Waterloo Foodbank Christmas Appeal 2024
16th December 2024
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Christmas Appeal 2024: Help end the need for food banks
No-one wants to go hungry, least of all at Christmas.
When tables across the country are piled high with turkeys, nut roasts and all the trimmings, people are made painfully aware of what they are missing out on or what they can’t afford for their children. And if the average weekly income, after housing costs, of someone being referred to a food bank is £52 it doesn’t leave much for the essentials, never mind all the extra expense of Christmas. For many in our country, this is a truly bleak midwinter…
A message of hope
The Waterloo Foodbank has seen demand increase across the last couple of years but we have hope that one day there will no longer be a need for food banks in the UK. Along with other Trussell food banks, as well as continuing to distribute tens of thousands of emergency food parcels, we are campaigning for a UK where every individual and family can afford the essentials to live on. We want people to know that they are not left alone, that we see their pain, that we are here to stand with them in the uncertainty and to help them find hope and a way out of their present circumstances.
And isn’t this the heart of the Christmas message? The story of Jesus being born to a very ordinary family, with limited means. The story of Jesus growing up as a little boy and then a man, experiencing the pain, the suffering and the joys of what it is to be human and standing with us through his humanity.
The message of Christmas is hope. And it’s a hope that inspires us to keep doing what we do.
We are here for as long as it takes to end the need for food banks, will you join us and help make a difference this Christmas by donating to the Waterloo Foodbank Christmas Appeal?
Photo credit: David Mirozoeff